NoK ta board

The second life of YOUR snowboard

An old snowboard lying around in your garage with which you did your first backflip? Your favorite board that you don't want to throw away? We transform them for you !

An one-of-a-kind skateboard that carries your story, a mirror to see how handsome you are, we give your snowboard a well-deserved second life by bringing all our expertise in upcycling and NoK Boards quality.

3 steps to NoK your board

Contact us

Send us an e-mail or give us a phone call to tell us about your project.

We discuss it with you and see how your snowboard can be reincarnated.

Give us you board

Are you in Grenoble? Make an appointment to come see us and discuss live.

Tu rides les montagnes de Bretagne ? Pas de problème on t'envoie notre housse NTB.

We give it a new life !

We transform your snowboard with love in our workshop in Grenoble.

A surfskate, a clock, or a coffee table, we extend the life of your board while preserving its history!

A program available anywhere in Europe

Nous avons développé une housse de snowboard pour que tu puisses nous envoyer ta planche facilement. Le principe est simple, on t’envoie la housse, à sa réception tu insères ton snowboard puis tu n’as plus qu’à le déposer à la Poste. La housse est munie d’un bon de retour directement vers notre atelier, c’est pas beau ça ? *

Et pour limiter l’impact de ce programme, la housse est fabriquée en Savoie à partir de toiles de tentes upcyclées par nos amis de chez Redeem Equipment 

 * prix du service d’expédition NoK ta board : 15€ TTC

They NoKed their board !

Thank you program partners !

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